Grace kreps
Nutrition and Strength Coach
Grace Kreps’s journey with athletics began at the age of 2 when she began downhill skiing. Participating in many sports growing up, downhill ski racing and equestrian were the two that really stuck.
Grace continued on to competitive ski racing in the Internation Ski Federation (F.I.S) which allowed her to travel across North America competing in races alongside Olympic athletes.
Playing individual sports shaped Grace’s self-determination and work ethic. Learning to use strength and conditioning to empower her own performance at Rebel Gym ignited a passion for coaching fitness and nutrition. Through the pandemic, while ski racing and horseback riding were on pause, she continued to focus on strength and conditioning, and nutrition as a means of staying physically and mentally healthy.
Realizing how impactful having a fitness and nutrition coach can be for performance and health and wellness, Grace decided to begin her coaching journey by becoming a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach in March 2022.
As she pursues fitness as a sport and a career, she is leading the Rebel Nutrition program, assists in coaching Sault College athletes, the Youth and Teen Strength Essentials program, and is currently completing her degree in Fitness and Health Promotion
Precision Nutrition Level 1